One of the most important trips a student can take whilst at school is to Kraków to visit the nearby site of Auschwitz-Birkenau. Our 60 minute online tour, filmed in partnership with the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, is the perfect introduction to the Holocaust and the events that unfolded in Auschwitz.
So whether you plan to visit at some point in the future, or whether your planned Krakow trip cannot run this year, this online tour (now with subtitles) is sure to be of huge educational value to your students.
Don't take our word for it though, please read the feedback of teachers and students who have already taken the tour.
Teacher feedback
Based on surveys received to date, 100% of teachers said that they would be happy to recommend this tour to other teachers, that the tour is good value for money, that the guide is excellent and knowledgeable and that they would purchase another of our online tours in the future.
"This was a superb virtual tour. Not only did it support the teaching of our IGSCE course, it brought the topic to life at a time when planning 'real' tours is difficult.”
Repton School
"It was an excellent way to visit Auschwitz from the comfort of our homes. All in all, we were very pleased and pupils commented on how glad they were to have had the opportunity to watch the tour.”
Winchester College
"I was so impressed with how the virtual tour of Auschwitz-Birkenau evoked such a strong response from pupils, prompting excellent questions and an interest in the Holocaust. It will now be a key part of our KS3 course for many years to come!”
Uppingham School
"A highly informative tour delivered from an outstanding tour guide, which allowed students to access the events of the Holocaust in a unique way. We cover a unit specifically on the Holocaust for Year 9, so this allowed the students to visualise what went on.“
Highworth Grammar School
"The tour in its entirety was superb. Students were able to see maps, objects, locations, dioramas, etc... to help visualize what they were learning about and to make it all more tangible. The tour guide was excellent and it seemed like he was constantly leading up to an overall point about discrimination in history and today. The human stories were well told and there was a general atmosphere of respect and solemnity. The tour was relevant to our day dedicated to learning about the Holocaust and the impact of discrimination with a consideration of other genocides.”
Putney High School
"I can honestly say that I found the whole tour to be insightful and hugely informative and it really brought to life what it must have been like for those that were there. To look at, for example, all the shoes that still remain was hugely emotional but it's such an important part of understanding what went on and was excellently narrated by the guide. I thought he spoke with real compassion and empathy and presented information in such a clear way that it was easy to understand the information that was being provided. We used this tour to support our resources that we always put together to mark Holocaust Memorial Day. The tour gave a great opportunity for all of our students to see Auschwitz as many will never get the chance to go. The tour has also provided a greater depth of knowledge and understanding to the students covering this area in History and RS lessons. The tour was absolutely outstanding."
Bridgewater High School
"It was all very interesting - the explanation of the history of the camp and how it came to be so infamous, the explanation of the different victim groups is important for students and the information about children in the camps will certainly be something that strikes with the students. Thank you to TCBC for this opportunity to 'visit' these locations which we cannot travel to at this time. It was a superb tour with a very clear and knowledgeable guide.”
Withington Girls’ School
“The whole tour was really good. You couldn't have done better in an hour!”
James Allen’s Girls’ School
"I thought the guide's closing thoughts were brilliant and really made the students appreciate how relevant the Holocaust still is today and enhanced their understanding of it.”
International School of Bearn
“The Auschwitz tour was excellent at showing the extent and horror of concentration camps.”
Hutchesons' Grammar School
"An excellent online tour delivered with accuracy and great enthusiasm.”
St Anselm's Catholic School
"Year 9 had studied the escalation of persecution of Jewish people under the Nazi regime including "the final solution" and so this consolidated and added depth to their understanding."
Shavington Academy
"An innovative and different way to experience some key historical sites. Excellent guide, brought the location and history to life”
Portsmouth Grammar School
"We have had such a positive response from both students and parents about the tour. Being able to do this I think has really been a highlight of lockdown."
Queen Anne's School
"We all thought the tour was excellent. It does try to cover everything so it remains very focused and the guides are very fluent and engaging."
British School of Paris
"We have shown this to all our students and we have had some amazing feedback. Some of the comments I have had today is that it was 'informative', 'good alternative to actually going', 'Insightful', 'eye-opening', 'glad I watched it' and one that I particularly liked was that it was 'respectful'. Thanks again, our students really did get a lot from it."
Salford City College